Professional Development: Bringing Mindfulness Into Making Decisions

Decisions are at the root of everything that we do. From the mundane choices of what to wear or eat, to prioritizing and tackling the to-do list, to the big life questions such as whether to stay in a career or relationship… We are making decisions all the time! To add to this, the decisions that we make today drive actions that create our tomorrow! The pressure to “get it right” can be stressful and cause overwhelm. It's no surprise that we often get caught in analysis-paralysis. Ironically, while the pros and cons list might bring a temporary sense of relief, this overthinking is the very thing that gets in the way of finding clarity. It keeps us stuck in the theoretical versus the experiential realm, the place where reliable and accurate information is found.

This class will use mindfulness to investigate how our views about decisions, where we place our attention during the deciding process and the method that we apply, can actually interfere with making effective choices. 

Participants will use a real life decision they are currently contending with to apply the themes that will be explored in the course:

  • Honoring the causes for indecision as valuable information instead of it being a problem

  • Having an attitude of discovery and experimentation versus one of risk management

  • Being intentional and clear about the underlying motivations that are driving the decision

  • Using inquiry and letting go of finding an answer to catalyze having clarity and insights 

  • Redirecting the attention to staying with the unfolding process versus fixating on the outcome.

  • Engaging with intuition to supplement cognition when making choices

  • Choosing the right scale and focus for the problem that you are solving 

  • Being sensitive to timing and sequencing when taking action

  • Tracking the impact of decisions to adjust and refine future action

  • Viewing mistakes as an integral part of learning and necessary in order to find the most appropriate solution