Reawakening the Heart (via zoom)
Mondays: Feb 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th 7:30-9:30pm
Wisdom is loving awareness
Wisdom is often represented as a bird in mindfulness circles - where true seeing, or having access to clarity and perspective, comes from developing both the wings of awareness and love.
While a lot of emphasis has been placed on developing attention, the emotional state from which awareness emerges is equally, if not more important. How we feel can generate wildly different realities.
In this series, we will use guided meditations, journaling, partnered activities and group discussions to investigate how our emotional state impacts our views, behaviors and the stories we live. We will explore ways to honor, validate and let go of old fears and reorient towards a more loving way of being with ourselves and others. We will also experiment with different heart practices to bring about a more balanced view of what is true and to strengthen the capacity for more equanimity, kindness, compassion and gratitude.
Registration Fee: $250
Rochelle - Registered Nurse
“Aiko is a gifted teacher who creates a safe space for participants to practice vulnerability. When I attended my first workshop with Aiko in January 2022, I was very new to mindfulness practice and meditation. Since then, I have attended several of her workshops and have found them invaluable. I have learned so much about paying attention to my body, noticing dysregulation when it arises, being curious about conditioned reactions I might have, (and their underlying causes), and holding myself with care during times of stress and transition. Because of Aiko’s teachings, I have learned that I have a choice in how I respond to everything in the world, and that I can choose compassion and connection while also staying aligned with my values and needs. Aiko’s workshops have provided me with tools to better connect with myself, to set boundaries with others, and to manage conflict in my relationships. I can’t wait to see what she offers next!”